Sayers Family Tree

2-4-8 It's the relatives we accumulate

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SNP Tracker and Maps #6

As I discussed in #4 the Y-DNA test allows for a long history of the male line to be traced as it has a number of traceable elements compared to MTa (female line). Now websites have been developed that show that track across time and migration much more visually.
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More on DNA tests #5

Other than testing Y-DNA which is only available for males as described previously in Blog #4, what about some of the other DNA tests available to those interested in Family History?
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DNA tests and Genealogy #4

I’ve had a number of DNA tests, to assist in my Family Tree research and also general curiosity.
There are a number of different tests and understanding them can be quite daunting, I have only got the gist of the very basics in my head, so I’m not the best person to talk to about DNA test results. But there is a lot of info out there to do your own “learning"
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So off we go... #2

When I began my research, as I said it was built upon the work my Dad (Peter) had done without the benefit of the Internet.
By the time I got involved, my paternal grandfather Bertie had died, but luckily they had a few conversations over the years about our Sayers family history. However Bertie had been reticent about opening up completely about his early life, plus as it was all oral, some myths obviously crept in, - more of that to come.
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